Book Review, Fiction, Romance

The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren ~ Book Review

My Rating: 🍪🍪🍪🍪
Genre: Romance

The Paradise Problem is a delightful fake-dating romance following Anna and Liam “West” after their marriage of convenience. The two virtual strangers have gone their separate ways and, so thinks Anna, divorced. Little does she know that West is keeping their marriage intact to gain his inheritance. Over the years, his family has come to grow suspicious and, in an act of desperation, he shows up on Anna’s door desperate for her to step in and play the role of his wife.

Much of this book takes place on a tropical island, making it an ideal summer read. The luxury of the couple’s surroundings was such a lovely setting and a wonderful backdrop for their unfolding romance. Their flirtiness and banter was so fun and there was the perfect amount of steam (read: a lot).

West is the heir to a huge supermarket chain and his extended family is very over-the-top wealthy. There’s a lot of focus on inheritance and catty family drama, which for the most part I loved (although the back and forth about joining the family business got a littttle old by the end).

This book would make such a perfect movie and was a great choice for me to read on vacation by the pool.

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