Book Review, thriller

The Next Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine ~ Book Review

My Rating: 🍪
Genre: Romance

The Last Mrs. Parrish is one of the first books that got me into thrillers and I will never hesitate to recommend it.

I wishhh the same could be said for the sequel, but it was a struggle to get through The Next Mrs. Parrish. This book picks up with Amber, Daphne, and incarcerated Jackson while also introducing Daisy Ann. Each character has their own motivations, but for me they didn’t seem like logical follow ups to the original story. It felt like an attempt to redo much of what book one did, which just seemed forced.

Daisy Ann was a random addition to the story and I didn’t know enough about her to really care what she was doing and how she was involved. As a result, I wasn’t really invested in her parts of the book and found them a bit hard to follow.

Much of my respect for the ways Amber and Daphne tried to out-manipulate one another in the first book was lost as they seemed to lose their exciting cattiness.

This book was so drawn out and completely fell flat for me.

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