Book Review, Fiction, Romance

Magnolia Parks by Jessa Hastings ~ Book Review

My Rating: 🍪🍪 🍪🍪
Genre: Romance

I finished this book and was left very confused as to how a book centered entirely around an on-again-off-again relationship could maintain my interest for so long (it’s a big book!). I prefer action, rather than character driven books, but something about BJ Ballantine and Magnolia Parks really did it for me. They were once the “it” couple but after a disastrous betrayal, they’ve reverted to being just friends (albeit friends who sometimes have sleepovers in the same bed).

Magnolia Parks is very Gossip Girl-esque, focused on an elite squad of young adults as they navigate the London social scene of the 1%. Magnolia has an uncanny ability to name the designer and name of any piece of clothing anyone is wearing and although this seemed a bit like a device to name a bunch of fancy designers, it was also kind of an endearing quirk. BJ was less likable as he constantly slept with different women in an obvious attempt to get Magnolia out of his system.

Even though this is very over the top drama and focuses on relationships, it isn’t a fun romance. This book is so messy and pretty much every relationship in it is toxic (think cheating and manipulation), but I couldn’t look away. I’m not really one for reading a series, but I’ll definitely be picking up book two, which I believe focuses on one of Magnolia’s friends, to see what happens next with this chaotic group.

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