Book Review, Fiction, thriller

Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker ~ Book Review

My Rating: 🍪🍪🍪🍪
Genre: Thriller

Cass and her big sister Emma disappear one night, neither to be seen for three years. When Cass returns, she tells the police, to the best of her ability, about the island they were held by two strangers. The more Abby, the forensic psychiatrist on their case, hears, the less sure she is that she believes Cass’s story.

This is, above all, the story of a deeply dysfunctional family. It speaks to narcissism and the impact it can have on children. The way that Cass narrates her story makes it clear that she is spinning some sort of tale, but it is unclear why or which parts of it are true. The detailed description of her and Emma’s life being held captive kept me invested in the story and could not have prepared me for the ultimate unveiling of where Emma was.

I didn’t find Abby’s perspective as compelling as Cass’s – I felt like I needed more of her backstory, but she was an interesting point of view to include and added some context to Cass and Emma’s family dynamics.

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