Book Review, Fiction, mystery, thriller

The Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix ~ Book review

My Rating: 🍪🍪🍪
Genre: Thriller

Lynnette is a final girl: the only survivor of a horrible massacre. She, along with five other final girls, have met with a therapist for years to support each other as they struggle to move forward from this unique trauma. When one woman fails to show up to a meeting, Lynnette fears that there is more horror in store for each of them.

This book was interspersed with articles about the sensationalization of final girls and reviews of the movies and games created based off of real women’s situations. These incorporations did a lot to help me understand the layer’s to Lynnette’s experiences and her paranoia.

I really liked the premise of this book and the style of writing was enjoyable. That being said, there were a lot of characters with a lot of backstory and I couldn’t keep them straight. Their stories were too similar for them to be distinct in my mind, making it challenging to follow the narrative and to keep track of Lynnette’s many guesses about who was after them.

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